Well living in Brisbane, I've had 4 holidays in Fiji, usually a week but 12 days was the longest. Three of them were on the main island Viti Levu, but the last one was on Matamanoa Island. We were booked to go to Naigani Island in June/July 2000 but then the coup happened. Going to Naigani required us driving through Suva (the centre of the military coup) which we weren't keen to do with the kids, so we managed to change our booking to Matamanoa Island. Because of the coup, most of their guests had cancelled so we were given 2 bures instead of the one we had paid for. Bargain! Best holiday ever! e were trated like royalty and the kids had a ball. Keeley alawys said she wanted to have her honeymoon there but by the time she got married, it was way our of her budget!