The Most Romantic Animal

Adrienne Beaumont
2 min readFeb 10, 2023

Number 10 of Keeley’s February Challenge

Photo by author at Lone Pine Sanctuary, Brisbane

Bloody hell where does she get these questions from? It’ll have to be something cuddly. A teddy bear? Not really an animal though. How about a koala?

It’s not a bear, so please don’t call it a koala bear. It’s a koala. If your really want to know, it’s a marsupial which means it’s a mammal but the mother carries her young in her pouch and feeds them milk until they’re old enough to fend for themselves. She usually gives birth to only one joey (same as kangaroos and wallabies) but on rare occasions, she can have twins.

Koalas are soft and cuddly but you don’t want to touch one in the wild as they can scratch you to death — not literally to death, but they can do a lot of damage to bare arms even if you’re trying to get them off the road to save their lives.

They are picky eaters only eating a special sort of eucalyptus leaf, so when the bushfires swept through Australia in the summer of 2019–20 hundreds of square kilometres of forests were destroyed and the koala population was decimated. More than 50,000 koalas died in Eastern Australia which is why places like Lone Pine must continue to look after koalas and share them with tourists.

You won’t find them in the bush anywhere else in the world. You’ll know when they are mating — they make a horrendous…



Adrienne Beaumont

I’m Australian. I love to travel and write about my adventures.I write about my daily life as a mother and grandmother as well as my past experiences.