My Wednesday started with my sleeping in — something I rarely do, especially in summer. After yesterday’s “Australia Day” festivities, I wasn’t feeling too chipper so just had a little ginger yoghurt and blackberries for breakfast, and packed myself a pesto salad with chicken and curried egg leftovers for a picnic lunch.
The plan was my friend would meet me at 9.30 at my house and I would drive her to the picnic spot. As I approached my car, I realised it was full of boxes of candles that I hadn’t yet unpacked. I didn’t have the energy to take them all out, so asked her to drive instead.
We met our friends at the Japanese Garden. The sick feeling in my stomach evaporated and I enjoyed the serenity of the green foliage and the flowing water and marvelled at the beautiful water-dragons.
Written by Adrienne Beaumont
I enjoy being with friends.